Visual Thinking

Tác giả: Rudolf Arnheim

Thể loại: Nonfiction

260.000 VND
  • ISBN: 9780520018716
  • Weight: 460g
  • Publisher: University of California Press
  • Publication date: 01-Dec-1969

For thirty-five years Visual Thinking has been the gold standard for art educators, psychologists, and general readers alike. In this seminal work, Arnheim, author of The Dynamics of Architectural Form, Film as Art, Toward a Psychology of Art, and Art and Visual Perception, asserts that all thinking (not just thinking related to art) is basically perceptual in nature, and that the ancient dichotomy between seeing and thinking, between perceiving and reasoning, is false and misleading. An indis-pensable tool for students and for those interested in the arts.

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