Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Language, Reference & Textbook
Of Grammatology (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998)
390.000 VND
The War Against Cliche: Essays and Reviews 1971–2000
280.000 VND
The American Heritage Dictionary (Fifth Edition)
310.000 VND
Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf
290.000 VND
Serendipities : Language and Lunacy
250.000 VND
The Loom of Language: An Approach to the Mastery of Many Languages
320.000 VND
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Penguin)
330.000 VND
How Children Think and Learn (second edition)
320.000 VND
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition (International Edition)
380.000 VND
Short Stories in Italian for Beginners
290.000 VND
Short Stories in Japanese for Intermediate Learners
300.000 VND
A History of Modern Psychology (international 9th edition)
450.000 VND
Thought and Language - Revised Edition 1986 (MIT Press)
270.000 VND
The Story of English in 100 Words (Profile Books)
280.000 VND
On Hitler's Mein Kampf: The Poetics of National Socialism (Untimely Meditations)
260.000 VND
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners
260.000 VND
Against Interpretation and Other Essays: Susan Sontag (Penguin Modern Classics)
290.000 VND
Construction of Reality in the Child (hardback without dustjacket)
350.000 VND
The Merriam-Webster Thesaurus (mass market, latest edition)
290.000 VND
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (mass market, latest edition)
290.000 VND
Seven Types of Ambiguity
250.000 VND
Writing and Difference (Routledge, 2001)
420.000 VND
Immediacy, or The Style of Too Late Capitalism
450.000 VND
Semiotics: The Basics (second edition)
280.000 VND