Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Art & Painting
The Power of the Center: A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts
280.000 VND
The Use and Abuse of Art
270.000 VND
Art and Culture : Critical Essays
280.000 VND
Toward a Psychology of Art
330.000 VND
To the Rescue of Art : Twenty-Six Essays
290.000 VND
Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Penguin Classics)
340.000 VND
Pentagram: Living by Design
3.800.000 VND
The Creative Act: A Way of Being
650.000 VND
Faith, Hope and Carnage: Nick Cave & Sean O'Hagan
50.000 VND
Fashion in Film (Pocket Editions)
570.000 VND
Logic of the Collection
350.000 VND
Against Interpretation and Other Essays: Susan Sontag (Penguin Modern Classics)
290.000 VND
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (Hachette India)
450.000 VND
Painters in Hanoi: An Ethnography of Vietnamese Art
420.000 VND
Arts of Southeast Asia (World of Arts Series)
380.000 VND
A Susan Sontag Reader
260.000 VND
The Unknown Masterpiece: And, Gambara (New York Review Books Classics)
230.000 VND
Envelope Poems: Emily Dickinson
270.000 VND
Understanding a Photograph (Penguin Modern Classics)
250.000 VND
On Photography (Penguin Modern Classics)
240.000 VND
The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature
390.000 VND
Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of Places
320.000 VND
The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrated History
430.000 VND