Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Verso Books
Paris in Turmoil: A City between Past and Future
360.000 VND
Power Games: A Political History of the Olympics
420.000 VND
SCUM Manifesto
250.000 VND
Living in the End Times (The Essential Zizek)
530.000 VND
Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest
330.000 VND
The Emancipated Spectator
290.000 VND
The Walker: On Finding and Losing Yourself in the Modern City
350.000 VND
Money: 5,000 Years of Debt and Power
720.000 VND
The Intervals of Cinema
320.000 VND
Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula
380.000 VND
Immediacy, or The Style of Too Late Capitalism
450.000 VND
Speaking of Universities
370.000 VND
Sentimental Education: School, Popular Culture and the Regulation of Liberty (Verso)
270.000 VND
Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet
420.000 VND
The Automatic Fetish: The Law of Value in Marx's Capital
530.000 VND
Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform
540.000 VND
Faraway the Southern Sky: A Novel
310.000 VND
A Philosophy of Walking
390.000 VND
The Good Die Young: The Verdict on Henry Kissinger
380.000 VND
Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left
360.000 VND
Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge (Verso)
460.000 VND
What is Philosophy?
530.000 VND
Russia Without Putin: Money, Power and the Myths of the New Cold War
350.000 VND