These Truths: A History of the United States

Tác giả: Jill Lepore

Thể loại: Nonfiction

510.000 VND
  • ISBN: 9780393357424
  • Weight: 893g
  • Publisher: WW Norton & Co
  • Publication date: 1 October 2019

The American experiment rests on three ideas-"these truths", Jefferson called them-political equality, natural rights and the sovereignty of the people. And it rests, too, "on a dedication to inquiry, fearless and unflinching", writes Jill Lepore in a ground-breaking investigation into the American past that places truth at the centre of the nation's history. Telling the story of America, beginning in 1492, These Truths asks whether the course of events has proven the nation's founding truths or belied them. Finding meaning in contradiction, Lepore weaves American history into a tapestry of faith and hope, of peril and prosperity, of technological progress and moral anguish. This spellbinding chronicle offers an authoritative new history of a great, and greatly troubled, nation. 

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