Men, Women And Relationships

Tác giả: John Gray

Thể loại: Nonfiction

80.000 VND
  • ISBN: 9780061010705
  • Weight: 140g
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Inc
  • Publication date: 31-Dec-1996
John Gray, New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, reveals that the key to creating and maintaining successful relationships between men and women lies in accepting our differences. By trying to make our partners over in our own likeness, Gray reminds us we destroy what we first found so appealing.Writing with the compassionate understanding that is his trademark, Gray draws on his wealth of experience from twenty years of work in couples therapy, his two mega-selling books, as well as his hugely popular national workshops and seminars. In Men, Women, and Relationships, he ably demonstrates that only through respecting, appreciating, and responding to our natural differences can we achieve real happiness and fulfillment in our relationships.Discover the simple, practical techniques that can enable all of us to experience the healthy, supportive love we deserve. show more

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